1300 760 050 info@yourhrsystem.com

Check Ins

Progress takes time and good habits. The Check In creates the regular space and time for your people to drive their own engagement. And all it takes is just 10 minutes.

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Build a culture of trust with frequent feedback

High-performing organisations have long recognised the importance of regular conversations between employees and their managers. Feedback that is immediate is more effective, goals that are kept under regular review less likely to get missed, and just-in-time coaching almost always results in better outcomes.

Most organisations hold performance reviews at least once a year as a minimum. Check Ins allow managers and employees to hold conversations more frequently, whether in person, or digitally.

Developed with flexibility in mind

We give HR teams the freedom to configure the system to reflect their own approach, whether it’s simple check-in meetings with documented outcomes, or more detailed goal-led conversations involving multiple parties.

Use a pre-made template from our best-practice library, or create your own.

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Spark effective conversations

Spark effective conversations

A check-in is different from the annual review because you aren’t required to complete anything in preparation. Your team member simply completes the questions from the automated template once set up.

It only takes about 10 minutes for your team member to complete the check-in. Your HR System automates the process by sending an email to your team member to step them through it.

Our check-in feature is a catalyst to spark proactive and effective conversations.

Check In FAQs

How often should you schedule Check Ins?

Performance management software helps companies manage, monitor, and improve performance at an organisational, departmental, and individual level. Quality performance management software will make the common elements of performance management, like performance reviews, check ins, and goal setting easier to track and implement. The software should also produce actionable insights for managers, administrators, and executives through detailed reporting.

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